The Crowning of Brennan and Caoilfhionn IV

Part 1

King Mohammad
His Queen Consort
With War on Wind
To Lead the East
Over the Dread
They called upon
Sword of Vienna,
Befit them for
Wise Wilhelm thought
When all the best
Gathered under
Eager Eyes watched as
“You have arrived
The best among you.
We must know that
The others. So
Who wears favor
They would crown Queen
Who would sit the
It is empty.
When they were done
Keen Ministry
Now, I ask you
That we sat in
This tournament
Began that with
sixteen, would we
The Province?
May yet be writ
For among those
one called Brennan.

Could not come to
So he came with
Heirs must be named
In Victory
Dragon Army.
Tall Count Wilhelm,
To set forth rules
A Tournament.
For many days.
The East offers
The Bright Domed Sky
This was pronounced:
So we can see
To find our heirs,
One shines beyond
Fight all! Fight all
From the one that
One day. Fight all
Tyger Throne when
And so they did.
Wilhelm and his
Named but sixteen.
To remember
Audience to
In the province
And the murmur
Six among those
See a Crown in
Alas, that tale
But not this day.
sixteen was the

Part 2

As the good Count
He pondered his
That if it was
To have them all
All the others
It was a good
To do it twice.
List and battled.
The Dust died down
At who remained.
First, as revealed,
Aside his helm,
Line so long that
Read like a
Second, from the
Galbraith, Knight
Fierce, Franc fighter.
He was favored
And then the two
Held in our hearts.
Swift Richard Crowe,
Had fiercely stalked
A tiger, and
His appetite
The Second, and
One whos waist was
White, but wore the
Red that this bard
Of Crucible Haus,
Dread of Haus Dark,
Again, Wilhelm
He pondered his
That if it was
To have them all
All the others
It was a good
To do it Thrice.
Two stood out from
And it was said
In varied forms
Crowe and Brennan.

Surveyed those left,
luck, and decreed
A good omen
Test their steel with
Once, then surely
omen for them
Thus they all took
After a time
And Wilhelm looked
There were but four!
Brennan, with leaves
From a kingly
Its history is
Myth of days gone.
Line of the King,
Gentle Giant,
Most important,
By the Roses.
Who the Province
First, The swordsman
Who through the day
His opponents like
Had but one goal.
Was for the Crown.
The Youngest was
Not adorned in
Same Squirely
Wears. My brother,
Young Scorpion,
Matthew MacGuyver.
Surveyed those left,
luck, and decreed
A good omen
Test their steel with
Twice, then surely
omen for them
When they were done,
The group of four.
That they would fight
for the Heir’s Crown:

Part 3

We know the King
And no surprise
He called that the
at ten paces.
And the remains
In gauntlet grasp.
And then Brennan
And thrust his.
Stumbled, And fell.
Brennan called for
Brutal sparring
The blow was struck,
One round apiece.
The bold Doyen
A form he honed
Of Brighton Haus.
Fighters took aim,
Like days across
who here seemed
and unfatigued,
The crowd quieted.
Called for his spear,
Having won the first.
Quick battle waged
Three wins to One,
In what would be
Before the crown
Was here proclaimed,
Held Dane Axes.
Was Struck, what was
Became uproar.
Brennan and bride
The East in War
On Pennsic fields.

Has love for spear,
Rang the stars when
First pass would be
Honors were said
Held their futures
Each stood silent
Shot out, Crowe dodged
Brennan coiled,
One round for Crowe.
Edged Swords and sheilds.
ensued, and when
Crowe had fallen.
In strategy,
Opted for Glaive,
In the bright fires
The two tired
And round they spun
The sky. Brennan,
Both unbeatable
Struck square. Crowe fell.
Bold Brennan here
And Crowe answered
But not here, for
And Brennan, now
Stood boldly alive.
The Final Bout,
Of Kingdom Heirs
These two titans
And as the blow
Deathly silence
The East had Heirs,
Caoilfhionn would lead
Called this summer


Later that day
Were made. Many
The King and Queen,
Beaming Princess,
Was made to the
Manor, Micah
Knight, Defender
All Joy for these
This news as true

Court was held and
For Populace
Were called before
And the New Prince,
And sundry friends.
Of long service
Lord of Brighton
Who was named a
of the Realm.
Tidings! I attest
For I was there.

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